Occupy Yourself

Occupy Yourself
Occupy Yourself

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Authentic Living Works

"Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, ‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude, follow it."  ~William James

If, as James suggests, authenicity of being requires 'that particular mental attitude' that is in alignment with the feeling of being deeply and vitally alive' how do you recognize the attitude and how do you develop it in yourself?

By adopting a focus upon living with authenticity; being true to the nature of you.

"The chief cause of human error is to be found in prejudices picked up in childhood."
~ Descartes

You and me; all of us were born into this life without prejudice. We learn it along our pathway through life as: social institutions, governmental institutions, family members, religious institutions and special interest groups all seek to provide us with a mental-emotional framework designed to enhance our individual and collective compliance with their goals and objectives.

"Prejudice is the child of ignorance."  ~William Hazlitt

When you are constantly being fed messages of intolerance you become conditioned to view your world through eyes clouded by ignorance. The special interest groups that peddle hate and prejudice are seeking to manipulate and control you by withholding the truth and substituting, in its place: lies, half-truths and distortions

It is the dawning of your awakening; time to take command of your mental-emotional environment. It is time to assert your influence over your life and affairs.

"In becoming fully human, we are called to be individuals. We are called to be unique and different."
~ M. Scott Peck

It's your time to tune in to living your life authentically.

What is authentic living and how do you achieve it, you might ask?

Boiling it all down to its core; authentic living involves accessing awareness of your true nature and living in accord with those insights.

Being able to access and trust your inner wisdom allows you know who you truly are and what it will take to make you happy.

Giving yourself happiness is a gift that continues to give a wealth of physical, emotional and spiritual benefits, These gifts are doubly powerful in that they are heart-centered created and received,

  • They require and provide enhanced and aligned vibrational frequency; which opens you to still greater mastery.
  • Each gift awakens you to enhanced self-perception; love in expression.
  •  These 'happiness gifts' forge a trusting bond between your heart-center and your inner wisdom; when these 2 are in alignment, the programming -imposed limits drift away as you are freed to engage life more fully.

Are you ready for Authentic living?  If so here are some powerful keys; remember you are the driver:
  • Focus your awareness upon what comes naturally to you.
  • Expect the very best from life; you deserve it.
  • Be vigilant in seeking insights into who you are.
  • Write down your insights into an insight journal; that will provide you with greater depth of understanding and growth.
  • Take note of those things you naturally do well.
  • Honor the feedback your emotions provide you; they are revealing your deeply held thoughts and attitudes.
  • Create a judgement-free zone in your relationship with yourself.
  • Live each moment as a joy-filled experience by intentionally seeking out experiences and relationships that make you smile.
  • Learn  to trust and rely upon your inner-wisdom as your guide.
These keys will assist you to turn up your energy frequency and to enhance your relationship with the universe. You are the master/mistress of your experience.

Let me close today's post with some powerful thoughts that I excepted from the 2013 Commencement address at Harvard by transformational figure, Oprah Winfrey who encouraged the assembled graduates to consider...

"...if you're willing to listen; to be guided by that still-small-voice, that is the GPS within yourself, to find out what makes you come alive; you will be more than ok. You will be happy; you will be successful and you will make a difference in the world."
~Oprah Winfrey

As always, please feel free to share this blog with those you are guided to and also enter into the dialog here by leaving comments; and, yes, authentic living works! Let it work for you.

Dave Kenyon

Copyright © 2013 David N. Kenyon. All rights reserved.

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