Occupy Yourself

Occupy Yourself
Occupy Yourself

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Openhand: "Occupy Yourself"

As we begin our look into the Occupy Yourself consciousness movement; let's hear from some of it's key spokespersons and get a perspective from each.
Our first is

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Chris Bourne is one of the founders of Openhand ( a UK not-for-profit group) and in the video below, Chris sets forth an understanding of the Occupy Yourself movement and it's relationship with consciousness expansion.

"The Enlightenment of Mankind is causing the very fabric of our old fear based reality to fracture and fragment. We’re shaking off the shackles of conditioning and limitation. We’re going deep into the heart, peeling away that which no longer serves and ascending into a new vibrational paradigm, here and now, all around us.
Openhand is helping to unite evolving people around a common sense of purpose and destiny. It is one that we can all feel within, when we peel away the internal barriers and surrender to the natural flow of the universe. Mankind’s Ascension is the miracle solution to all our current problems, we just have to let go and choose it." ~Openhand Foundation


"There is a natural flow through all
events and circumstances in our lives...

~Chris Bourne

Our planet is in process of evolution that will bring us into alignment with the deepest meaning of who we are and what our divine purpose is, at this time.

Occupy yourself is an expression of our individual and collective now and involves enhanced understanding of how each of us has a vital role in what is unfolding as beings experiencing a movement in consciousness from 3D worldview to 4th, 5th dimensional frequency and beyond.

It's time for each of us to take stock in our own personal perspective of the ongoing changes and to make sure that our narrative reflects alignment with the direction our higher self is urging us toward.

“If you are still fighting the system,
you are still caught within it”
- David Icke

The Occupy Yourself consciousness movement is not about rebellion; it's about personal and global transformation.

For what we fight grows stronger through our attention to it.

"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
looks outside, dreams;
who looks
inside, awakes."
Carl Jung

This sacred time now is about transformation; an awakening of each to our true nature and inheritance. 

Transformation is an inside-out experience; discovering our true center-point and reflecting that reality through our thoughts, words, emotions and deeds.

Welcome to your future which flows freely from your unique loving nature; welcome to Occupy Yourself a consciousness transformation stream whose time is now and whose effects free you from the bondage of fear-based belief systems which have held you in bondage.


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