Occupy Yourself

Occupy Yourself
Occupy Yourself

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

gratitude: a state of authentic living

This coming Thursday, November 22; we, in America, celebrate Thanksgiving. This is a holiday whose core value is found within gratitude.

According to Webster's on line dictionary, gratitude originated in
"Middle English, from Anglo-French or Medieval Latin; Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin gratitudo, from Latin gratus grateful."

Webster's definition for gratitude is "the state of being grateful : hankfulness."

When you live life, from a state of gratitude; your life enfolds as a beautiful loving experience. Your experience of each day is richer and the results you seek are beautifully and lovingly expressed as your dreams and aspirations manifest with ease demonstrating beauty and harmony beyond your wildest expectations. 

When you align with the divine within your attitudes and actions flow from the authentic you; the person who identifies with unconditional love and acceptance of self and others.

When you withhold nothing of your authentic self and are free to express yourself from your inner divine; your results are in alignment with what's best for you and all whose paths you cross.

Belief in competition limits the true expression of your authentic self which is loving and free of all restrictive fear-based  beliefs.
Once you shed these fear-based beliefs you may now collaborate with others to solve the problems our world currently faces. Our current ego-driven and fear-based belief systems are truly the cause of most of the pain we individually and collectively are now experiencing in our world.

As individuals and as a collective world population, we must break the strangle hold that living in an ego-driven and fear based mind-set has upon us.

It is through individual and collective consciousness raising that we are free to set our course upon building a world where all share in the abundance that exists upon our Earth.


('Hailed as "one of the greatest minds of our times, R. Buckminster Fuller was renowned for his comprehensive perspective on the world's problems. For more than five decades, he developed pioneering solutions that reflected his commitment to the potential of innovative design to create technology that does "more with less" and thereby improves human lives.')

Living in a state of gratitude is a target that will free you to live the life in which beautiful dreams are comprised and share a world harmoniously crafted through unconditional love!

For your further enlightenment into the true nature of gratitude, please take a few minutes to enjoy:

Gratitude - A Louie Schwartzberg Original Short Film

Yours in gratitude; thank you for sharing in these thoughts with me and adding your consciousness to those grounded in unconditional love and acceptance. Those of us who are seeking to live authentically.



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