Occupy Yourself

Occupy Yourself
Occupy Yourself

Monday, July 2, 2012

Align with The Power In You - Through Heart-Centered Focus

Greetings fellow intrepid explorer; as we continue our look at heart-centered living,

Please consider, for a moment, what might help you focus upon this post; beginning to end?  How about this insight from Abraham?

"Someone who takes the time to understand their relationship with source, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really-are, is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective, and more powerful than a group of millions who have not achieved this alignment."
~Abraham Hicks

I hope you're still along for today's brief ride through the mystery/mastery of your life's potential; it's awesome!!!

To get you into the proper emotional state of readiness to unleash your access to greater power; I offer you Paul Collier's the majestic and beautiful 

 The Power Within You

OK, I hear you thinking, that video has me in this expansive emotional place; now I'm looking for the payoff; how do I get to enjoy greater personal power?

"Remember that you are the source for what you attract in the world." 
 ~Dr Joe Rubino 

Through the process of Occupying Yourself you will enjoy enhanced insight into enlightened perspective. J.K. Rowling, author and transformational thinker, expresses a universal truth about personal power when she demystifies how to gain access.

 “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.” 

Occupy Yourself, is a movement about coming into a natural alignment with authentic you; the person you were intended to be.

When you do so; life is sweeter and your relationships are more harmonious.

Now Some Thoughts on Your Heart Center

To fully understand the power of heart-centered living; viewing this powerful video from Spiritual Science.net.

Do you now see just how powerful your heart-center is and how your readiness for ascension and the galactic upgrade depends upon your relationship with your heart?

What specific benefits might you expect from living a heart-centered life?
  • Enhanced emotional balance, inner peace, and joy in living.  
  • Greater access to experience of one's true nature
  • Enhanced ability to experience compassion, wisdom, love and appreciation for all relationships.
  • Accelerated healing of physical, mental or emotional blockages.
  • Enhanced ability to let go of fearful, obsessive and self-destructive behavior patterns
  • Enhanced willingness and ability to feel the full spectrum of feelings.
  • Augmented energy, creativity and passion for life. 
 Any of the above appeal to you?

In closing today's thoughts on living a heart-centered life as a vital aspect of Occupy Yourself let me share some thoughts by Evita Ochel author, speaker and holistic living expert. (Evolving Beings)

 "A person who has a high degree of self-love is incapable for example of being in a destructive relationship, or over-eating, or using toxic substances, or subjecting themselves to any other physical, mental, emotional or spiritual harm. The higher your level of self-love the more compassion you exercise in all of your thoughts, words and actions towards the self and all of life’s creation." 

As mystics of both ancient and current time periods have concluded; and is expressed with elegance by Antoine de Saint-Exupery below:

Wishing you a divinely inspired heart-centered life-journey leading you into perfect alignment with your unique and essential space within your sacred heart.



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